DYE 613 BLONDE-40TR is used in making Light Blonde color ( #613).
DYE 60 GREY-BN-80TR is used in making Grey color (#60), Silver color.
Most of cases, we do not supply our dyes for any one except the trainees who took our training for human hair coloring onsite or online because the dyeing work done with our dyes needs the technical know-how which is different from the way used by hairstylists and individuals at their homes. The dyeing method or technology is for mass production of wig or hair extenision factories.
We sell and tutor (for years until no questions) on the technology for fees. Please be kndly informed that before we make our mind to supply our dyes, we need to know the outline of the dyeing way of the buyer, and if we come up to know the dyeing way ( technique) is different from our dyeing way, we do not supply our dyes. Meanwhile, if the buyer does not ask us any question regarding how to use our dyes, we willingly supply our dyes. |
It would be appreciated if you understand the below prices are quoted covering the time cost and labor cost in COMMUNICATION, BANKING, PACKING in small quantities, SHIPPING, SHIPPING ADVICE, ETC to handle each order, specially orders for very small quantities; 0.2 Kgs (200 grams), 0.5 Kgs (500 grams), 1 Kgs. |
Much discounted prices can be quoted for an order for 20 Kgs, 100 Kgs per color. |